onsdag 22. juli 2009

Time is running out, we have to find our friends

Off to Kristiansand today, then Oslo for the weekend. Thor doing an awesome job today, managed to get 12 points on the Green Jersey, and this is shaping up to becoming a very exciting finish! Leaving in about 30-40 minutes, so just cleaning and packing up the last of my stuff. Don't know if I'll have internet in Kristiansand, so maybe nothing until Sunday. Until then, be safe.

søndag 19. juli 2009

Bad Company

I can't tell you the last time I was this excited to find a frozen pizza in the freezer. Sundays: some are soft, some are hard, and some are just the right way!

lørdag 18. juli 2009

And we were all standing there, looking for the geese

Beautiful day here in Trondheim, sun is shining from a blue sky. Having a few mates over for a barbie' and some brews tonight, should be good times. Me folks are on the plane to Minneapolis now, going to Seattle and San Fran. And training camp is not that many days away! Sweet.

Elections this fall, anyone got any strong opinions on what I should vote?

mandag 13. juli 2009


Went to see Brüno last night, Sacha Baron Cohen's latest comedy about a gay, Austrian fashionista. It's quite amusing and in some scenes it is worse than Borat was, but it ranks below it on comedy.

While some of the stunts are just to show how ignorant some people are (gay converter and guess what, a second-stage gay converter. Both Christians, obviously), a few cuts makes you wonder if this is increasing the stereotypes against gay people or if people can actually see through it and take it for what it is: raw humor. And, of course, stereotypes and prejudice are the main ingredients in this film. It's so wrong in so many ways, but it's still fucking hilarious!

Only question now is, what's next?

søndag 12. juli 2009


The world is still in pain after loosing Michael and Farrah, but it was recently brought to my attention that Billy Mays passed away not long ago. He will be missed, even if his voice was piercing and too loud.

Not much going on here in Trondheim these days, lots of relaxing and a few hours of work, that's pretty much it. Actually feeling bored at times.

søndag 5. juli 2009


We were a small crowd, but we made a shitload of noise, especially when we were singin' our way down town on the bus. It turned to a freestyle cover-battle, in which I have to say, my side won! It's like that, and that's the way it is! Hoah!

Vista was freakin' awesome last night, I haven't been to a lounge/club in Trondheim in fucking forever. Lots of people to meet and greet, good to see some of you guys again. Only problem is that drinks are expensive (and good, so you end up buying more of them), so I managed to rack up an OK bar tab. Bluh.

Just chillin' around today, watched some TDF and waiting for dinner, should be good.

torsdag 2. juli 2009


Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson both died on the same day last week. Truly tragic. Farrah was a great actress probably most known for her role on the original Charlie's Angels show, and Michael, well, I think you know all about him. I will say this: he made great music (maybe not the last few years) and he was an entertainer on stage. But his personal life and the trial (he was aquitted, but who knows?) is forever going to linger. He was a character and lead a life with a few wrinkles and a few sprinkles, but I'll try to remember Michael the Musician, not Michael the allegded molester.

(Note: I have told some of you that I don't think he's dead. I do. But let's just say that if someone in this world had the balls and the opportunity to fake his own death as a publicity stunt, it would be Michael. So now you know.)

The King is dead. Long live the King!