onsdag 13. mai 2009


WARNING: the following post is a bit longer than my usual quirky writings, so you might wanna sit down for this one.

Okay, I haven't written anything in a loooong time. And quite frankly, I'm not gonna make an excuse. You know how I hate apologies.

There has been a shitload of stuff going on lately, so I will try to give you a (brief) overview on some of the things I have been up too...here goes:

New York City the first weekend of May, and it was totally awesome. Stayed at a nice hotel right off Times Square, went up top in the ESB (that's Empire State Building to all of you rookies), spent some money shopping, just soaked in the scene and generally had a good friggen time.

Jason Bateman actually walked RIGHT past me as I was waiting for my cousins outside an UGG-store in Soho. He's kinda tall. Also went to this place called Max Brenner's Chocolate by the Bald Man. Everything they serve has some kind of chocolate in it. I know a few people that would looooove to go there...ya'll know who you are.

On Sunday we went to Pete Seeger's 90th birthday party at MSG (another abv, deal with it). Bruce was there, Tom Morello was there, Patterson Hood was there, Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie...I could have a separate posting just about who was there celebrating. It was good fun tho, they played some songs I know, some I don't.

The week after NYC consisted of too much homework, too little time and not getting enough sleep. Had a few fun nights out, went to the NAS concert we had on campus this past Saturday. I really like NAS, he is one of the few rappers constantly keeping it real, and I was glad to see he played some old school shit as well. Crowd was pretty bad unfortunately, and it was hot as hell in the gymnasium.

Swordfish with cajun seasoning, salt and pepper is delicious! Made it myself.

My North Korea group finished it's run as diplomats today, and I must say I think we did a good job with what we had. It was a pretty fun assignment, having two full class sessions almost like a debate in a (semi) civilized manner (yes I have to take blame for part of the uncivilities).

Speaking of classes, tomorrow is last day of lectures before finals. I have ONE session tomorrow, 2pm-2.50pm, social psychology (which I totally rock) with dr. L.

Other than that, I have been spending a lot of my hours awake in the gym, trying to be the best I can (and then some) for my first meeting with Norwegian football this spring. It's almost 2am, so, good night to everyone!

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