You are talking to your friend. It's not your best friend, but definitely someone you would invite for a party. Topic gets political. And biased. And you feel your friend is uninformed, not rationalizing his or her arguments - generally speaking, being kinda stupid.
Now, this conversation is not happening in private. And you all know me, I don't like to tote my own horn, but I can really disprove what this person is saying. Which will result in awkwardness on the other persons part. And make me seem like a liberal ass.
Is it my responsibility to argue with Americans over their domestic policies? Should I correct them when they make uneducated statements about bills, acts or taxation? If I don't, will someone else?
Do you embarrass your friends if they are wrong?
mandag 26. april 2010
You're not helping!
No suggestions! I feel more isolated than North Korea. Good news is, papers coming around quite nicely. Now if I only could feel motivated to finish the other one too...
Domers have another game this weekend, away against Hordaland Storm (?), in Bergen. Since I do not have any idea how busy this week will be, I'll send my good lucks now and expect to hear about a great victory by the men in green!
Domers pride!
Domers have another game this weekend, away against Hordaland Storm (?), in Bergen. Since I do not have any idea how busy this week will be, I'll send my good lucks now and expect to hear about a great victory by the men in green!
Domers pride!
søndag 25. april 2010
Man! Man!
Everything is still irie, but I no longer have the dramatic urge to return to Jamaica. Right now I just want to get home to Trondheim. It's amazing what a month back in the US will do. Nevertheless, memories are still good!
I need to come up with a project for my Antropology of Violence class, so if you have any great ideas, please let me know! The preliminary one is gun violence in the United States versus Norway. Still have a week to prepare, so if you have any suggestions, hit me up!
I need to come up with a project for my Antropology of Violence class, so if you have any great ideas, please let me know! The preliminary one is gun violence in the United States versus Norway. Still have a week to prepare, so if you have any suggestions, hit me up!
fredag 23. april 2010
Who dey!
We're fucking dey! Our makeshit team of washed-up, beaten kids and Sam (who hadn't played since high school and is afraid of big guys) beat the team of players from varsity last night. Well, I was the only one washed up. But, 3-1 in the final against varsity! Hell yeah!
Did not go to Uconn last night, undecided about today. But I am going to WeHa soon.
Ankle hurts like a ruptured spleen, rolled it in the second game last night, then got stepped on by one of the soccer guys (upon which i cursed him out in Norwegian) and then I walked from Watson st. all the way home. Good times!
Did not go to Uconn last night, undecided about today. But I am going to WeHa soon.
Ankle hurts like a ruptured spleen, rolled it in the second game last night, then got stepped on by one of the soccer guys (upon which i cursed him out in Norwegian) and then I walked from Watson st. all the way home. Good times!
torsdag 22. april 2010
Down for the count
We have officially switched from months to weeks! Less than a month left, I'm fucking excited!
Soccer tournament tonight with my boys Ronaldo and Carlos. Spring weekend at Uconn is underways tonight, and I'm undecided as wether to go or not. I'm leaning towards not. Too much work to finish up.
Today I saw one of those fishes that christians slap on their cars, you know, bumper sticker. But the one that I saw today said Cthulu instead of jesus or whatever. Made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Also, there's a radical, fundamentalist, psychotic, hating, christian conservative walking around campus spreading hate. I will not interfere with your religion, but when you are completely wrong about shit, and you offend people, I think it's time to leave.
Soccer tournament tonight with my boys Ronaldo and Carlos. Spring weekend at Uconn is underways tonight, and I'm undecided as wether to go or not. I'm leaning towards not. Too much work to finish up.
Today I saw one of those fishes that christians slap on their cars, you know, bumper sticker. But the one that I saw today said Cthulu instead of jesus or whatever. Made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Also, there's a radical, fundamentalist, psychotic, hating, christian conservative walking around campus spreading hate. I will not interfere with your religion, but when you are completely wrong about shit, and you offend people, I think it's time to leave.
søndag 18. april 2010
Snoop Doggy Dogg
Free concert for me tonight! Wooooo! Gotta go check on the cats soon, then come back and gangsta it up.
The research conference yesterday went pretty good, my presentation was okay, but people said it was interesting. I gotta believe it. Dr. Salka murdered me on his question/comment, but I did get some good ideas as to how to progress from here on.
And HELL YEAH, semester is almost over! Can't wait to get home!
The research conference yesterday went pretty good, my presentation was okay, but people said it was interesting. I gotta believe it. Dr. Salka murdered me on his question/comment, but I did get some good ideas as to how to progress from here on.
And HELL YEAH, semester is almost over! Can't wait to get home!
torsdag 15. april 2010
I didn't last past 9.30 today. My stomach was hurting, I was fucking hungry, so I ended up eating two bagels for breakfast with my cousins. It feels good eating again though. And as for the weight, I lost about 1 pound from Sunday night till Thursday afternoon. It made me sleepy, not as much fun as always, and constantly hungry. But it will be a good experience. Now for some gin!
Day 3
Is basically over. Now, I have faced a dilemma: per the rules, I am allowed to eat food that people offer me, but not purchased for me. Tonight, I got offered 5 chicken wings from Ryan after he finished eating, and hungry and rice-sick as I was, accepted. I still think I will keep going on tomorrow, but I'm not sure I will last another day. I am really craving a full meal. The eggs are not filling me up, the rice is just shallow and pedantic and the veggies don't taste like veggies at all. Wasa's good though. Time to bed, talk to you tomorrow!
onsdag 14. april 2010
Day 2 done
Yup, I have survived 2 days of my experiment. Today I have eaten 3 pieces of Wasa, veggies, 2 eggs and rice. And more rice. Props to Ballard for giving me a couple of Shock Tops, they were great! Tomorrow is yet another long-ass day. But the semester is coming to and end, only 4 more weeks before finals start!
mandag 12. april 2010
Last week I learned from a lovely elderly lady that an insane amount of people survive on less than $2 a day. With that, I decided to try for myself, if it is possible.
My starting weight today was 200 lbs, or right around 90 kgs. The rules are as follows: I may consume as much water as I like, which I already drink around 3-4 liters of every day. I can take whatever spices I want from the spice rack. If people straight up offers me a bite of their food, I am allowed to eat it, but I cannot ask for charitable donations. We have not decided whether people are allowed to buy me food, so we will see how the progression goes. My own guess is that I won't last past Wednesday.
This is what I'm allowed to eat:

One pack of Wasa Mulitgrain, three cans of mixed vegetables, 12 eggs, one can of corn and a huge pot of rice. Total price: 9 dollars, 81 cents (tax not included).
Wish me luck!
My starting weight today was 200 lbs, or right around 90 kgs. The rules are as follows: I may consume as much water as I like, which I already drink around 3-4 liters of every day. I can take whatever spices I want from the spice rack. If people straight up offers me a bite of their food, I am allowed to eat it, but I cannot ask for charitable donations. We have not decided whether people are allowed to buy me food, so we will see how the progression goes. My own guess is that I won't last past Wednesday.
This is what I'm allowed to eat:
One pack of Wasa Mulitgrain, three cans of mixed vegetables, 12 eggs, one can of corn and a huge pot of rice. Total price: 9 dollars, 81 cents (tax not included).
Wish me luck!
Why did I not discover the free Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer until tonight? I could've stayed in all weekend and entertained myself!
Luckily, I got around to doing some homework now, we'll see how late a night this will be. I kind of want to pull an all nighter, but Mondays are pretty long. Hmmmm.
Also, 3-1 against Odd today!
Luckily, I got around to doing some homework now, we'll see how late a night this will be. I kind of want to pull an all nighter, but Mondays are pretty long. Hmmmm.
Also, 3-1 against Odd today!
fredag 9. april 2010
The second time the cops rolled in last night (yes, they showed up twice), the officer tells me "next time we bust you, you're going to jail". So that means only two or three more parties this semester. Still, party was great fun, and it was good seeing people suiting up. Props to Dan for taking the first one last night.
We had about a week of summer-style weather, and today it started raining again. Then again, gives me an excuse to sit inside and do homework. Right?
We had about a week of summer-style weather, and today it started raining again. Then again, gives me an excuse to sit inside and do homework. Right?
torsdag 8. april 2010
Warmer weather makes it better
Hot days in Willi! And my phone is finally online again. Too bad I have to much writing to do in this fine weather. Really sucks that it gets nice as my spare time plummits.
tirsdag 6. april 2010
Skin(ned) and bones
I have been having these weird dreams lately - apparently I'm selling weed to a few of my friends at school. It can't be lucrative, cause I'm still living at Walnut.
Beautiful days here in Connecticut, shorts and t weather. Got invited to Diana's Pool tomorrow, but Wednesday is the longest day of the week, so no dice. Game 2 of the first Sox-Yankees series is on tonight, hoping to catch the last three innings after the gym.
Shout out to Jeff who is an awesome drinking buddy, and a plug: Suit Up-party on Thursday. Yih!
Beautiful days here in Connecticut, shorts and t weather. Got invited to Diana's Pool tomorrow, but Wednesday is the longest day of the week, so no dice. Game 2 of the first Sox-Yankees series is on tonight, hoping to catch the last three innings after the gym.
Shout out to Jeff who is an awesome drinking buddy, and a plug: Suit Up-party on Thursday. Yih!
søndag 4. april 2010
Sorry for the lack of Jamaica part three, but I went to New York City over the weekend, and they have no interwebs there. Weird. Will try and get to it tomorrow.
Opening night, Yankees v. Red Sox in 3 hours!!!
Opening night, Yankees v. Red Sox in 3 hours!!!
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