mandag 26. april 2010


You are talking to your friend. It's not your best friend, but definitely someone you would invite for a party. Topic gets political. And biased. And you feel your friend is uninformed, not rationalizing his or her arguments - generally speaking, being kinda stupid.

Now, this conversation is not happening in private. And you all know me, I don't like to tote my own horn, but I can really disprove what this person is saying. Which will result in awkwardness on the other persons part. And make me seem like a liberal ass.

Is it my responsibility to argue with Americans over their domestic policies? Should I correct them when they make uneducated statements about bills, acts or taxation? If I don't, will someone else?

Do you embarrass your friends if they are wrong?

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

Surely if your friend is wrong you are allowed to tell him, in private or public... If he can't handle that then he shouldn't be talking about things at all.