søndag 14. mars 2010

War Pigs

Having several friends who have done military duty, and quite a few of them having combat deployments on their resume, I get to hear stories of both the good and the bad, the insane and the humane, the atrocities and the (sometimes lack of) policies that occupy a war zone. In talking with several active and veteran US military personnel, and especially the Marines, it becomes clear that these people are something out of the ordinary.

The Marine Corps is said to be older than the United states itself, "it's mother and M-16 and it's father the devil." Living in a country where military background is such and integral part of your place in society, the warrior culture, the amount of guns in circulation, it has led me to have an entirely different view on the American way of life, the Second Ammendment, war itself, and most importantly the men and women who actually do battle (and die) for their flag.

Alot of people around the globe were frustrated and angry when the Americans attacked Iraq in 2003. Some of this anger got channeled against the troops on the ground. Some of these troops were left behind by their government, either through lack of respect when dead, unfair treatment after being wounded, and sometimes even on the battlefield. These men and women signed up to protect the country from enemies, foreign and domestic. As the hierarchical structure goes, they have to obey orders. As the case was in 2003, those orders were to go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein. Now, I am not the defending the way it happened, the reasoning, or the aftermath. But the troops have done their job, and thousands of enlisted have died in the process. Even if it was for an unjust cause in the first place, these men and women did what their country told them to do.

There are many things wrong with this country. I should know. I've lived here for a good fourteen months now, over the past year and a half. But one group of people that will have my respect (I might not like all of them, but that's a different issue) is the active soldiers and the veterans of the United States armed forces.

I am not turning patriotic on behalf of the US. I am not defending the Iraq war. I'm simply paying tribute to my friends that have been (and some of them will be, again) deployed and served their country, be it American or Norwegian.

Morten, Aleks, Brian, Edward, Ryan, Brian, Rob.

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