tirsdag 22. september 2009

Seriously? If it works, maybe

What that means, it's up to you to figure out.

My school has a dry campus. Effectively, this bans all forms of alcohol from the school premesises at all times. In reality, it gets people into trouble for having a beer while watching the Sawx beat the living shit out of the Yanks (while some people actually choose to get drunk of tequila, we will not have that debate right now).

As all of you (yes, all 4 of you) are aware of, the legal drinking age in the US is 21. That means there are a good 2000 plus kids underage living on our campus. Should they be allowed to drink? Absolutely not. But what about the law obiding citizens that are old enough? Cram us into the one bare within walking distance? Send us to some beat-up house party that gets broken up by the cops at 1am?

No, we are not in school to drink. Okay, I am not in school to drink. But those who are, should have the opportunity to waste their money any way they want, be it on alcohol, weed, or, god forbid, education.

I say you put all of the ones who are of age in one building. On-campus housing would be more popular among upperclassmen if they could, not host parties, but have a beer or 3 before heading to the bar. And it would greatly reduce the money University spends on judicial meetings every semester.

A friend of mine recently got kicked out of his room for 5 days. If he gets caught again, he will not be allowed to live in a residential hall on campus ever again. Not enough, the instituted a new rule, which we named after him: no more than 2 guests per resident in ANY room on campus. What if I'm making dinner for someone? I swear, some of the people running this school are retarded.

One last thing: most of the judicial punishment handed out at school is because of alcohol, a legal substance. More than half the people I know that live on campus smoke weed on a regular basis, and they never get busted...

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