torsdag 31. desember 2009


So this is New Years. And what have we done? Or something similar. Anyways, as promised, here is my take on 2009:

Movie of the year: a lot of good options here, but I have to go with 'Zombieland' over 'The Hangover' and 'Inglourious Basterds'. It's just such a great movie, I haven't had as much fun in the theatres since i saw 'Borat' for the first time. Honorable mention goes to 'Watchmen' and 'Public Enemies'.

Band of the year: easier than doing Record. It came down to Kings of Leon, Pearl Jam or Them Crooked Vultures for me, and I had to side with the latter as their self-titled debut is simply amazing. Good music from good musicians.

Comeback of the year: the jury's own favorite, mr. Tom 'Tommy B' Brady of the New England Patriots.

Party of the year: anything involving the brothers Rein this year, from rookie parties and Nordic Championships to soccer matches in Oslo and hockey games in New York. Gotta love it.

Gig of the year: by payment and luxuries, it would have to be either Springsteen or Coldplay. By sheer fun it would be AC/DC and by extreme weather conditions it would be Madonna.

Lesson learned: having the cops break up my party.

Drink of the year: whisky. Straight.

Best inside joke: rainbows. Research methods.

Best read: Simmons' column on Always entertaining and opinionated.

Best party place: have to give props to my man Christian W for this one, the pirate party was pretty sweet.

Best eat: mom's home-cooking. Nothing like it.

If there is something i forgot, please let me know, but do so in a timely manner (probably before the first week of January passes). For now, Happy New year!

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