torsdag 19. april 2012

We're not young....anymore?

My first year in my masters program is coming to an end and as I always do at the beginning of summer, I take stock of what I have and sometimes what I don't (this last part can be a bit self-destructive and is advisable only to professional optimists and/or cynics: nevertheless, it's something I do not do often). I find that this is a good way for myself to reflect on the things I have gained, both material (yeah, right!) and abstract (knowledge, skills, networks etc.) and provide me with a reference point.

I can honestly say that one of my classes this year, while entertaining and educational, has not been to my expectations. Bluntly put, the professor teaching it is not the right person for the course. Nothing against the person, I like him/her very much as a teacher and person, but not for that particular class.

But my biggest gain this year has been the intangible knowledge I have accumulated: tales from fellow students and teachers about their current or previous work situations, employment opportunities, and the fact that I can talk my way into a lot of good situations if I just put my professional face on. Moreover, I feel I am starting to plot out a possible career for myself after graduate school. Most of you have heard me talk about what I want to do and where I want to do it, but I really feel like I'm steering myself down a path (less traveled, I hope!) that can lead me to where I want to be and what I want to do. I hope. (Cynical optimism or optimistic cynicism?)

Also, I am sunburned.

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