torsdag 27. mai 2010

Once you

Being around people can be an ordeal. They don't look the way you want them to, they don't have the same opinions as you, they eat your food. Basically, they are different, and you have to adjust yourself to that. Unless you're me. Those of you that know me well enough, also know that I think people are the most useless thing on the planet.

You go out of your way to be upfront with people. You make a real effort to be honest. And then when shit hits the fan, like you told them it would, they are still in proximity, and they blame you for them not walking out the front door. You think you know where you have someone. You think you have them figured out. Next thing you know there's a television set in your face and curses and namecalling and not talking to you anymore. What good does it bring?

Now don't get me wrong, I value friendship. Maybe more so than romance and family. But I hate wasting my time on someone that's only there for a short time, and then leave without proper warning, and then blames me for it. That's not right.

I don't waste my time on negative people. My energy goes toward positive actions, positive characters in my life. So this is settled. There's no coming back. I'm glad we had this conversation.

How do you deal with stupidity and immaturity?

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