tirsdag 3. august 2010

Can I?

For a man who prides himself with his writing, I sure ain't writing alot! We can blame it on too much work, not enough inspiration, too nice a summer, the BP oil-spil, malaria, you know, whatever you want to blame it on! But truth is I just plainly suck at writing these days. I don't think I'm able to transcribe my thoughts any more, at least not for now. My muse is gone. Or possibly still on holiday.

Three weeks left of la aventura de Noruegica for this time, and I'll be spending most of it on the road, in the respective order; Oslo, Bergen, Haugesund. Home for a solid week, then you know how lucky I (are) am!!! If you get that song reference, then you are most likely my dad.

Off to pack, shower and bed, leaving bright and earlye in the morning. Adios!

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