tirsdag 30. september 2008

Updates! Updates! Glorious updates!

Last couple days have actually been quite fun, filled with different kinds of activities. We took advantage of the hurricane aftermath and played real mudball one evening. Friggin' awesome! Full tackle, head-first slides through puddles, throwing mud at each other. Gotta love it!

Chris and I went to Wooster St. out by Uconn last night to all you can eat wings and pizza. Pizza was okay, wings were really really good. I also went with one of my friends back to his farm to test shoot a .22 rifle. Wasn't as loud as expected, but it was great to get some target practice with a low-power gun. It still amazes me, however, how easy it is to get guns and ammo in this country.

Did my programming for the Express 125 yesterday, polished it after class today. I have to say, it is the easiest console I have ever touched, and some of you may know that we used a 12-channel Zero88 for the first years. Also, got an A+ on my dimmer project, which I'm kind of satisfied with.

Now, lots of homework this week, so there might not be another entry before Thursday's picks are posted. As always, be safe...

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